SJD Foundation
Giving back to those who need it most.
The SJD Foundation was established in 2011, with a clear vision to give back to the community and the environment. Since the SJD Foundation has committed to giving back to the local community in ways that sup
port vulnerable people in the community, provide a safe haven for families in need, and support the environment in various ways, including making donations of time and money, building homes, and participating in fundraisers.
Building More Than Just Homes
As a builder, we endeavour to build more than just homes. With each house we build we are taking steps towards strengthening our community, creating a more sustainable future, and constructing homes for those who need it most. In the 2020-2021 Financial Year alone, the SJD Foundation supported the community through small and large projects. Money was raised for Dry July, the Pakenham Pony Club, Officer Kangaroos Football Club, Kids’ Cancer, Headspace, the Green Room, Berwick Bowls, and the Beaconsfield Football Club, in addition to partnerships with Homes for Homes, the Cancer Council, Housing the Homeless, Women’s Property Initiatives, the Red Cross, and Back 2 Basics.
Over the years, the SJD Foundation has committed to the following programs and charities:
The Holland Display Home
The Holland Display Home, opening in 2021, has been designed with one purpose in mind – to give. This home is dedicated to our colleague and friend, Kerry Holland, who was part of the SJD Homes family for eight years. The design gives families a feeling of ‘home’, whilst also giving $1,000 of the purchase price to the Leukemia Foundation. The Leukemia Foundation was near and dear to Kerry’s heart and she was the catalyst for many initiatives by the SJD Foundation.
Homes for Homes
In 2020-2021, the SJD Foundation partnered with Homes for Homes. This unique charity commits a percentage of every SJD Homes build to building homes for vulnerable people in the community for the life of the build. During the partnership, SJD Homes donated over $75,000 through the SJD Foundation.
Housing the Homeless
Over the years, SJD Homes and its suppliers have built a number of homes for women and their families escaping domestic violence in partnership with Women’s Property Initiatives. Each home was handed over fully furnished, with the latest complete with an established vegetable garden to create affordable and sustainable access to food.
Women’s Property Initiatives Partnership
In addition to the Housing the Homeless program, SJD Homes also built a number of townhomes in the South East to assist in providing affordable housing and a safe haven to women and their families escaping domestic violence.
Red Cross Blood Donation
The SJD Foundation strives to always make donating blood to those who need it most as easy as possible, with staff donating blood together each quarter since 2015.
Back 2 Basics Christmas Fund
Since 2019, the SJD Foundation has committed to donating food and Christmas gifts to vulnerable families through Back 2 Basics and a little help from Santa. In total, the staff at SJD Homes & the SJD Foundation have donated approximately 80 gifts to this special and heartfelt cause.
Back 2 Basics Easter Egg Drive
Since 2019, the SJD Foundation has also partnered with Back 2 Basics by donating Easter eggs to the Easter Egg Drive for families who may struggle to celebrate Easter with their children.
Relay For Life
In 2017, SJD Homes staff raised $15,000 for Relay For Life by participating in the relay, sponsoring team members, and attending fundraising functions.
One Foot Forward Challenge by Black Dog Institute
In 2020, SJD Homes staff participated in the One Foot Forward Challenge, raising a total of $18,311. The Challenge involved walking a total of 100km per week, per person to raise money for mental health with only 1/5 people experiencing mental illness and only 60% of those seeking help.
Reach Out About the SJD Foundation
For more information about the SJD Foundation, or to enquire about ways we can help our community together, please contact us.
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